Use "risk|risked|risking|risks" in a sentence

1. 3.3 Legal Framework 3.4 Payments System Risks Sources of Risk Risk Control and Risk Allocation Mechanisms

2. The escrow account has exposure to the following financial risks: credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk.

3. Risk of Breakage is classified under extraneous risks.

4. Risks to a factor include: Counter-party credit risk related to clients and risk-covered debtors.

5. Additionally, longevity risk Acerbates many other risks, as the risk of long-term care increases with age

6. The use of risk metalanguage should ensure that risk identification actually identifies risks, distinct from causes or effects.

7. it imposes all appropriate risk mitigation measures to reduce any possible risks

8. Deciding on the general framework for risk management and acceptance of remaining risks

9. Dealing with supply-chain risks: Linking risk management practices and strategies to performance.

10. Owing to the group's risk management policy all those risks are very limited.

11. — Deciding on the general framework for risk management and acceptance of remaining risks

12. As for as risk is concerned, all of the management have risks in any assets, the key is how to control risks.

13. Moreover, a policy that strives to eliminate all risk carries risks of its own.

14. Aggregation of risk-class specific own funds requirements for delta, vega and curvature risks

15. Many risks and risk-mitigation strategies have a direct relationship to ethics or values.

16. You've risked all our lives.

17. Mulder, you're risking an aneurysm.

18. I know what I'm risking

19. You risked the timeline for me.

20. No other party risked ignominious defeat.

21. You risked everything for each other.

22. " ALM and Market Risk Management Giancarlo SARDELLI " Derivatives Luis GONZALEZ-PACHECO " Operational Risks Antonio ROCA IGLESIAS

23. - the risk assessment shows that risks related to the environmental spheres mentioned above are not expected.

24. I'm not risking Ty running again.

25. the risk assessment shows that risks related to the environmental spheres mentioned above are not expected

26. Miss G has risked it all.

27. We're risking damage to his retina.

28. Many are developing business risk maps which help the organization identify, understand and address its business risks.

29. Masklin risked a glance at Grandson Richard's face.

30. The local shop girls never risked her wrath.

31. The Criticality Analysis Process Model can be used as a component of a holistic and comprehensive risk management approach that considers all risks, including information security and privacy risks

32. It is then important also to take measures against that risk so that all risks are effectively reduced.

33. Karen risked a glance over the balcony wall.

34. Power utilities in China are facing anfractuous risks, including natural risks, artificial risks, liability risks and financial risks.

35. Okay, I'm not risking my life for this.

36. Attributable risk measures the excess risk accounted for by exposure to a particular factor.2 This is simply the difference between the absolute risks in the two groups

37. The independent Risk Management (RM) Directorate is responsible for Credit, Asset and Liability Management (ALM), Market and Operational risks.

38. The risk assessment report reveals that many of the questions related to ADB-CHMINACA that are posed by the lack of data on the risks to individual health, risks to public health, and social risks, could be answered through further research.

39. He risked his life to save the CM.

40. You risked the lives of some fine pilots.

41. He risked a glance at her furious face.

42. He also risked being arrested and put in gaol.

43. There is a possibility of risk of life in diseases where as such risks are not there in Ailments

44. Why are you risking your life for this guy?

45. That there are risks associated with civil disobedience no one would deny, and among them is the risk of anarchy.

46. Adventuresome: 1 adj willing to undertake or seeking out new and daring enterprises “the risks and gains of an Adventuresome economy” Synonyms: adventurous audacious , daring , venturesome , venturous disposed to venture or take risks sporting involving risk or willingness to take a risk swaggering , swashbuckling flamboyantly adventurous bold

47. They were also risking their lives to follow David.

48. I feel like I'm risking my entire career here.

49. Elon Musk warns that it's an existential risk and one of the greatest risks that we face as a civilization.

50. Some have even risked death just to read it.

51. I came down here, risked my life for what?

52. You should not have risked the confrontation with the government.

53. The second provision opens the possibility of forming a risk-reserve which takes into account the substantial risks of international operations.

54. Under CIF term insurance usually covers all risks and war risk as per the China Insurance Clauses, please confirm this urgently.

55. Various specialist policies exist, including: Newbuilding risks: This covers the risk of damage to the hull while it is under construction.

56. Liberalization of a traditional electricity system creates an entire complex of unfamiliar risks and responsibilities-including the risk of system collapse.

57. Then why conspire and risking your life to achieve it?

58. I risked life and limb to get here on time.

59. More than once, Jonathan risked his life to help his friend.

60. I don't think I should have risked anything quite so rakish.

61. Risks of Breakage are classified under extraneous risks.

62. Risks of investment: There is always a risk that the borrower will go bankrupt, abscond, die, or otherwise default on the loan.

63. Similar differences in relative risks between young and old have been observed in studies of other risk factors for coronary heart disease.

64. Antiochus actually invaded Bithynia but withdrew again without risking a battle.

65. The only third-party cyber risk management solution to understand, prioritize, and confidently act on cybersecurity risks across your entire vendor ecosystem.

66. It was a salutary lesson for me on risking rejection and on my perceived notions of status.

67. The way we see it, people risked everything to get here.

68. You risked going to the shu for a pair of grunds?

69. She then mates with the transvestite who never risked his life.

70. Rules for aggregation of reserves and resources, including consideration of risking

71. " ALM and Market Risk Management Giancarlo SARDELLI " Derivatives Luis GONZALEZ-PACHECO " Operational Risks Antonio ROCA IGLESIAS " Coordination and Support Elisabeth MATIZ Associate Director

72. AFSSAPS assign Factor VIII concentrates the highest level of relative risk among plasma derivatives, although the absolute risks are judged as very low.

73. Yet he hesitated: would an eagle like Kraal have even risked it?

74. I wouldn't have risked my First Officer's life in the first place!

75. 28 He risked his life in trying to save the drowning boy.

76. Risking a court-martial, he returned to Rangoon to join Chennault.

77. If you did, you risked verbal or physical abuse, derision and expulsion.

78. It was refreshing to hear publishers and booksellers risking offending each other.

79. Based on Bühlmann’s (1995) method to separate these two risks with the help of conditional expectations, this paper presents a decomposition of the prospective portfolio loss into a sum of three addends that uniquely correspond to unsystematic insurance risk, systematic insurance risk, and investment risk.

80. Against intimidating odds, translators and printers risked their lives to win the fight.